Yay for Student Involvement!

 Green Team Student Involvement Has Started!

With only a few months left in the school year, the Green Team is working to ensure we have more student involvement and understanding now to start off strong next year (when things are hopefully a bit more "normal" 😀). 

Our first virtual Green Team assembly was a great success! We had many classes participate and Mrs. Jensen's class even won a prize - a free National Parks pass! Also, the first monthly Green Team Newsletter was posted to the school website and the latest newsletter is up now. Parents have been notified about these newsletters through a blurb in the Endeavour E-News but please feel free to share with your class directly! 

The next virtual assembly will be Wednesday, March 17th at 1pm, for the intermediate grades. This month we will have a guest speaker from the King County Green Schools Program to discuss recycling and reducing waste - so fun!! We do not have a date for our April assembly just yet as we need to see what happens with 4th and 5th graders returning to the building but planning for a day during Earth Week. 

Finally, attached here is a link to additional student activities for March and April, including Earth Week activities. These include some STEM activities for all ages, including primary grades! The Green Team will also send an email to all classroom teachers about specific Earth Week activities after Spring Break. 

Thank you, as always, for your support with our new Green Team adventures! If you have any questions, please let us know :)

-Jennifer T., Maureen, and Katie 
