Green Team Goes Virtual

 Green Team but Virtual???

Read below to find out how it can be done!


If you are interested in learning more about Green Team or what King County has planned with remote learning, there is a Webinar coming up next week! On October 15th, from 4-5pm, they will discuss the following information:

  • Know what to expect from the King County Green Schools Program in the year ahead.
  • Learn how to lead a virtual Green Team.
  • Collaborate with other attendees on actions for the upcoming school year.
You can register here!

Virtual Lessons

"King County Wastewater Treatment Division’s field trip programs now are available in a series of virtual lessons that will be conducted live with individual schools and classrooms. 

The Division, along with partner organizations IslandWood and Nature Vision, will provide online integrated STEM programs aligned with NGSS standards. Video-taped versions of all lessons also will be available. 
Programs are offered to 3rd-12th grades with multiple sessions that build knowledge through a series of presentations and activities.

Elementary school programs (grades 3 - 6)

When It Rains, It Pours – Stormwater Lessons (3 lesson series)

Wastewater Engineers (4 lesson series)"

*Information sent from King County Green Schools* 

If you are interested in learning more about these lessons, check out more information here

As always, please reach out to your Green Team members if you have any questions :)
-Maureen Walmsley, Jennifer Lasik-Thompson, and Katie Cerna
