New Green Team Opportunities!

 New Ways to Involve Students with the Endeavour Green Team!

Exciting News!

The Green Team is working to involve students with our work, while staying virtual. 
Here are some opportunities for you to involve your class in our work:

3rd-5th Grade Teachers*
Monthly (optional) assemblies! Here, students can learn about being Green, activities they can do at home, have a chance to win prizes, and provide an opportunity to share their ideas. The first meeting is on February 10th, at 1pm.

Monthly newsletters will be posted to Endeavour website! The newsletter is geared towards students and families and what they can do at home to be Green. There will be resources available for all ages.

*We will adjust these plans if students come into the building

Maureen found this inspiring article of a school that incorporated students into their Green Team and had great success. Give it a read if you have time! 

We will still have monthly blog posts with resources and helpful tips for teachers.
Thank you in advance for your support and flexibility with our new adventure! We are excited to start this journey with you all! :)

-Maureen, Jennifer T., and Katie 
