Thank you for a great year!

 Thank you for the amazing support this year!

By starting the year with remote learning, the Green Team was able to create a new style of communication and bring awareness to more students than in previous years. Thank you for being patient with us throughout these changes and supporting our work! We truly appreciate it 😃

The final newsletter of the year has been posted to the school website and updated on the hallway posters. Included in the newsletter are two different surveys, created to get student input and feedback to help support our team for next year. While we don't fully know what next year will look like for the Green Team, we are hoping the student input will a useful guide. 

The first survey was first shown to 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students during our final assembly. If your class didn't get a chance to attend and you'd like to send them the survey, you can find the link here

The second survey was created only for the final newsletter. This survey is meant for 2nd graders, as they will be eligible to be part of the Green Team next year! Please consider sharing this survey with your second graders -- link here.

We look forward to new adventures in the fall and we hope you'll be ready to join us as well! Thank you again and as always, please let us know if you have any questions 😊

-Maureen, Jennifer T., and Katie
